
Here at Nina's Natural Kitchen we are committed to making eating healthier, easier. Our health isn't the only thing we believe in though; we are also big believers in supporting our beautiful Planet! It’s important that we do our part in helping to protect the Planet for our kids and future generations.

Mother Nature is at the top of our minds (along with which granola we are going to eat next, of course) in everything we do. We are proud to say that we are organic, sustainable and vegan. We're dedicated to respecting our planet and paving the way for future generations. However, we do acknowledge that it's not perfect yet; there is always room for improvement and we are committed to always learn and evolve with the latest innovations in sustainability and we will continue to ensure we're always doing our best. We know that every day our packaging suppliers are working on all of the latest and greatest developments in this industry to ensure that soon, packaging as a whole, will be perfect. Until then, we will continue to reduce and recycle.





What’s in our granola?

We are extremely fussy when it comes to ingredients and our quality control team are too. We are organic where possible, plant based, use sustainable practices and we always source the highest, premium, best quality ingredients. We are always transparent; no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. We want to bring you the best of the best and it’s our job to ensure taking care of the health of yourself - and your loved ones - is one less thing for you to worry about.

Our packaging

The same way we're fussy about our ingredients we are also just as fussy about our packaging. We made a promise right from the start to use eco friendly packaging.  We are FSC certified (sourced ethically and sustainably) and we dedicate a lot of time to choosing the most sustainable packaging for our products.  We are continuously testing a number of different materials to ensure your cereal gets to you in perfect condition and stays fresh through its shelf life. Getting this wrong and creating food waste is a double negative for the environment because it means that we have wasted the ingredients, production, packaging and delivery as well as the finished product.

We have experimented with compostable material but learnt that the vast majority of compostable packaging can’t decompose in home compost bins. It sounded great, but the realities didn’t match up to the dream. We are always committed to trialling more sustainable materials as they become commercially available.

Currently our box is made from 100% recyclable cardboard and our inner bag is made from 100% recyclable plastic.

Please recycle all our packaging with peace of mind! Put the box in your your cardboard recycling and the inner bag in your plastic recycling.


Making this as efficient as possible is the critical way to reduce the carbon impact on everything we make.

We always send as much as we can in one journey and also always minimise the amount of packaging used.

Together we can make a difference.......

We would be delighted to hear from packaging companies and industry experts who can help us in lowering our carbon footprint and investing in greener materials. If you would like to get in touch, please email me at



Gut Health


Self-love & Healthy Eating